Our Cat Was a Freak

His claws were ridiculously sharp, his ears were perpetually itchy, our walls were occasionally blood splattered...

Enter: nail caps.

They served a very practical purpose. Boy Cat's ears were no longer bloodied. He could safely scratch to his heart's content. Plus, they were fabulous. Purple, glittery, soft. I was in love.

But I also found them lacking. I was left unsatisfied. I needed more. And as hubby and I tag-teamed Boy Cat for the application, I dubbed the nail caps "Clawndoms." Because I clearly missed my calling writing dad jokes.

And then I got an idea. I could do it better. If you're using nail caps, you know they're a pain in the butt. We add a little smirk to the chore. Plus, a portion of the profits go to animal charities working to make the world a better place for cats through adoption, healthcare, and spay/neuter services. Bob Barker would be proud.

So here we are. And here you are. Chuckling about the name and already planning your domination in the white elephant gift exchange at work.  The look on their faces will be priceless. Good job, you!



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